Sunday, April 8, 2012

The weather man deserves a beating....

 Qpete and I threw on the winter garb and headed out for another Sogan Valley beat down. Chance of scattered showers, no big deal. A little rain keeps dust off the bike.

 Q led us on a adventure up and down the hills, meandering this way and that. We discussed former beat downs, and beat downs to come. We both came to the conclusion that Tower and the gang were hiding indoors, they don't like getting wet. Or, making their bikes too dirty, ruins their image.....HA!

 Then the drizzle came, who cares. Pedaling to the sound of rain drops has a certain tranquil quality to it. The both of us were engulfed into the rhythmic sound of rain bouncing off everything. So we pedaled on, and on. We joked about being cold and wet, and pedaled on and on. Races aren't always raced on sunny days, so shut out the rain and pedal on. Finish your loop, conquer the elements, and when you find him beat the weather man.

 In what other profession can someone be wrong so often? These clowns were claiming at 0600 we wouldn't be getting any rain. And even if they were wrong it would be a slight drizzle that would last for a ten to fifteen minutes and move on. These deush nuggets should have their gonads wrapped in barbed wire then hung from a tree and let the kiddie's play pinata with them. I digress..or something...

 One of the great things about rain is it puts all the fair weather riders indoors. You won't see a roadie struggling through the rain and wind to put in those long miles. You won't see some candy ass riding a carbon fiber machine with 23c's slogging through the gravel road mess of Goodhue County. And we thank the rain for that.

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