Sunday, November 6, 2011

Ramblings of a fat cyclist....

 I love to race/ride all my bikes, and yes I am a true Clydesdale! Not some elongated punk with 10% body fat that just made the 200+ mark by drinking 20oz of water before a race. I started racing in part because a bunch of skinny punks would smirk at me when mentioning I was thinking about trying the race scene one of these days. Their is nothing more satifing than passing a skinny dork on a endurance race with that same smirk knowing I am going to finish, and your going to call your mom or wife to come get your ass.

 Race season is just about wrapped up, so my ramblings will probably be about dealing with idiots in the gym. Come back now and again, I hope you laugh and nod your head with agreement.